For many women in La Jolla, pregnancy and motherhood can be some of the most exciting and rewarding times of their lives. However, many women come to see be because they are not as excited with the look of their post-pregnancy bodies. If pregnancy has left you with stretch marks, excess loose abdominal skin, lost breast volume, and unwanted fat where it never used to be, then you are not alone. To help moms regain their pre-pregnancy bodies, I routinely perform a combination of plastic surgery procedures known as a Mommy Makeover to address all of these concerns.

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

The term “Mommy Makeover” is simply a description of a few plastic surgery procedures performed during one surgical session to rejuvenate mothers’ bodies and help them reclaim their pre-pregnancy form. The procedure typically includes:

  • A tummy tuck to remove excess, loose abdominal skin and to eliminate the bulge that many postpartum mothers experience in their abdomens. Often times this bulge is not just attributed to fat but also to separated abdominal muscles (also known as diastasis recti), a common after effect of pregnancy.
  • A breast augmentation procedure to restore lost breast volume after breast feeding or to allow a La Jolla mom to achieve the size of breasts she’s always desired.
  • A breast lift to address sagging breasts, which are common after pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Liposuction to remove the stubborn fat deposits that remain after pregnancy and just won’t go away no matter how much a mom diets and exercises.

Why Are All These Procedures Performed At Once?

Many moms in La Jolla who consult with me about a Mommy Makeover are curious about performing these plastic surgery procedures in one session. There are several reasons why this is done, including:

  • All these procedures are designed to help moms reclaim their pre-pregnancy shape.
  • It’s safe for healthy women to have these procedures performed in one surgical setting.
  • Busy moms have a hard time scheduling time for recovery. By combining all these procedures into one event, moms can streamline their recovery process.
  • Combing procedures allows moms who live in the La Jolla area to save on surgical fees, including operating room time, and anesthesia fees.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for this Procedure?

I typically accept moms who meet the following criteria as patients for this combination of plastic surgeries:

  • Your family is complete and you don’t plan to have more children.
  • You’re in good health and have no major medical issues.
  • You understand the procedures you are going to have and have communicated to me that you have realistic expectations for your surgeries.
  • You are in good psychological health.
  • You’re a non-smoker, which means you aren’t putting yourself at risk for surgical and recovery complications.
  • You’re at or near your goal weight, as tummy tucks are not designed to be weight loss surgeries.
  • You’re able to get help around the house for a few weeks caring for your children while you recover from your surgeries.

If you meet the above requirements, it’s very likely that I’ll consider you a safe and healthy candidate for this procedure.

It’s Time to Meet with Brucker Plastic Surgery

Headshot of Dr. Michael Brucker

I devote a lot of time discussing each of these procedures with my patients during consultation. If you’ve been thinking about a mommy makeover, then it’s time to learn what type of magic my team and I can perform on your body.

To schedule an initial consultation, call Brucker Plastic Surgery today at (858) 450-1776.