Breast implants can provide a long-lasting and natural way to enhance your body’s curves. In some situations, implants may rupture, leak, settle in the wrong place, or cause the painful formation of scar tissue. For patients in the La Jolla area who are dissatisfied with their implant placement, or who simply want to have their implants removed, Brucker Plastic Surgery offers a range of options.
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Problems That Breast Revision Can Correct
Complications after an augmentation can cause one of several concerns:
Bottoming out. Implants should add fullness to the upper swell of the breast. In a case of bottoming out, the implant moves to the bottom of the breast, creating an off-balanced look with nipples in a position that is too high on the breast mound or pointing upwards. Overly large implants or incorrect technique in creating the implant pocket can lead to this result.
Capsular contracture. In a normal augmentation procedure, the body forms a protective capsule around the implant. In some cases, a patient may form excessive scar tissue. This scar tissue, also called a “capsule” can contract, giving the breast a tight, high, misshapen, and unnatural appearance. Some patients have a genetic tendency to form thicker capsules. Improper handling of the implant during surgery and infection are theorized to be some of the other causes of contracture.
Poor scarring. Some patients may be prone to forming less than ideal scars due to genetics. Some surgeons heavily promote techniques that require shorter incisions or that place incisions in unobtrusive locations. In some cases, these techniques put undue strain on the incision site. Scars may not heal well as a result.
Shape and asymmetry. For a variety of reasons, your breasts may not be as beautiful, full, and natural-looking as they should be after your augmentation and/or breast lift surgery. Also, the breasts may not mirror one another as closely as you would like.
With a properly performed breast revision, La Jolla and Del Mar patients can improve these concerns and achieve the outcome they were originally hoping to get with surgery.
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Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Michael Brucker
Dr. Brucker is a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon who has built an exceptional reputation for his unparalleled clinical experience and personalized approach to patient care.With over 20 years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, Dr. Brucker has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals while providing a safe and comfortable experience from start to finish.

Breast Revision Frequently Asked Questions
Excellence in Breast Revisions in La Jolla
Breast revision can restore your appearance and your sense of self-confidence. At Brucker Plastic Surgery, we have decades of experience providing patients in the La Jolla and San Diego communities with excellent, natural-looking results. Schedule a consultation today at (858) 450-1776.