Your peace of mind is our focus.
Prior to your procedure we will assist you with payment options and financing recommendations. Once your procedure is complete, rest and relaxation are the order of the day. We have arrangements with select facilities to provide our patients with peaceful and caring accommodations, where the focus is on attention to detail and providing a healing, nurturing environment for optimal recovery. Please contact us for more information.
To complete the experience and make your transformation as exceptional as possible, we have an elegant state-of-the art 4000 square foot surgical facility which is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF). For over 30 years, this esteemed organization has provided facility oversight and established standards to ensure patient safety and staff competency. We our proud of the accreditation of our surgical suite and want our patients to feel confident knowing that having a procedure done with us is as safe as having it done in a hospital setting.
To help you with your recovery process after your surgical procedure, we would like to introduce you to pain relief with Exparel.
Exparel is the only single-dose, non-opioid pain control option which does not involve the need for catheters or pumps. Exparel is a local analgesic that utilizes bupivacaine in combination with the proven product delivery platform, DepoFoam®. A single intraoperative injection treats pain at the source with reduced opioid requirements for up to 72 hours.
The result? Your pain is relieved and you avoid the nausea, drowsiness, and constipation–all of which are side effects of narcotic painkillers. After surgery with Exparel, you will feel better faster, recover comfortably, and reduce the length of your recovery and return to normal activities sooner. Also, relief starts the moment your surgery is complete so you will have less pain, a clearer head, and more smiles.
For more information on Exparel for pain relief, feel free to ask us any questions or visit