BroadBand Light (BBL)

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BBL sets a new standard in treating skin conditions associated with:

  • acne scar removal
  • sun damage
  • rosacea
  • loss of firmness
  • pigmentation
  • unwanted hair

Worried your freckles, age spots or rosacea make you look less radiant and older? With BBL™ they will be a thing of the past!

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BBL is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage.

The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it clearer, smoother, vibrant and younger looking.  No topical anesthetic is required for this treatment and it is very well tolerated with our integrating cooling technology.

What conditions can be treated?

BBL energy allows us to treat age and sun spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. Your treatment plan will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results. BBL is the solution for these skin concerns:

  • Freckles and age spots
  • Small blood vessels and rosacea
  • Acne
  • Aging Skin
  • Loss of firmness

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Forever Young BBL™

Forever Young BBL is the only device on the market that has been proven to change the expression of genes associated with aging for the better.  With regular Forever Young BBL treatments, your skin will look clearer, smoother, and much younger.

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Stop the clock on the appearance of aging skin

Forever Young BBL is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage and effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

Forever Young BBL treats a wide variety of conditions. For skin rejuvenation, Forever Young BBL removes age spots, freckles, redness, small vessels and more. Forever Young BBL can also be used to reduce unwanted hair and control active acne. All areas of the body can be treated.

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