What is a Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the surgical placement of breast implants to increase fullness and improve symmetry of the breasts, or to restore breast volume. Women whose breast size is currently less than they desire due to weight loss, pregnancy, mastectomy, or genetics can achieve the results they desire with a breast augmentation procedure.

Breast augmentation procedures can enhance your self-image and self-confidence. Our practice makes achieving your desired results in a most natural presentation our utmost goal.

Dr. Michael J. Brucker offers patients in La Jolla and Del Mar breast augmentation procedures that focus on safety, comfort, and ideal proportions. He brings over 20 years of experience to each surgery and takes the time necessary to give you the most aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

La Jolla and Del Mar patients seek breast augmentation surgery with different motivations. Some women have always wanted larger breasts, a more proportionate figure, and the ability to wear different styles of clothing without feeling self-conscious. For other patients, surgery is about rejuvenating their figure. Aging, pregnancy, and other factors can reduce the volume of the breasts, and breast augmentation can restore youthfulness to their appearance.

Dr. Brucker’s approach to breast augmentation is to provide an in-depth patient consultation because many factors including the type of implants selected, their placement and size are of utmost importance and the source of most concern for women.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Michael Brucker

Dr. Brucker is a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon who has built an exceptional reputation for his unparalleled clinical experience and personalized approach to patient care.With over 20 years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, Dr. Brucker has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals while providing a safe and comfortable experience from start to finish.


Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Many women in La Jolla choose to have breast augmentation for different reasons. Some women have always wanted to have larger breasts, a more proportional figure, and the ability to wear more styles of clothing. Other women choose breast augmentation to rejuvenate their figure after weight loss, pregnancy, or after aging has taken its toll.

It’s important to remember that not everyone is an ideal candidate for breast augmentation. To be considered for this cosmetic procedure, you must:

These guidelines are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of each of Dr. Brucker’s patients.

Watch Video: In this video, Dr. Brucker covers the types of implants for Breast Augmentation surgery.

Types Of Implants for Breast Augmentation

At Brucker Plastic Surgery, Dr. Brucker uses various types of breast implants, and your implant options and selection are discussed in depth during your consultation with him. Each type of implants have their own benefits:

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants give Dr. Brucker’s breast augmentation patients a more natural look and a softer feel. They are less prone to rippling than their saline counterparts, and move more realistically with the breast tissue. Today’s fifth generation silicone breast implants have a longer life expectancy than earlier generation silicone implants.  The silicone inside these implants comes in various levels of cohesivity (“gummy bear” implants) and the best level of cohesivity or gumminess for each patient is determined during your personalized consultation with Dr. Brucker.

Saline Breast Implants

For women in La Jolla who desire a rounder, fuller look in the upper pole of the breasts, saline implants are the way to go.  Saline implants are more cost-effective and remove the necessity of checkups for implant rupture with routine MRI screenings. On the flip side, saline implants have a higher rupture rate and are more prone to visible rippling under the skin and are better suited for patients with a fair amount of natural breast tissue.

As part of your initial consultation, Dr. Brucker can answer any questions you have about silicone and saline implants. The products he uses are FDA-approved, rigorously tested, and provide beautiful aesthetic outcomes. Furthermore, Dr. Brucker uses implants with the best published longevity and lifetime warranties for your safety and peace of mind. 

Watch Video: Dr. Brucker offers a detailed explanation on the differences between gummy bear implants and non-gummy bear implants.

Implant Placement: Submuscular (under the muscle) or Subglandular (over the muscle)?

While most augmentations are performed submuscularly (under the muscle), there may be certain instances where subglandular placement (over the muscle, under the breast tissue) may be warranted.  A patient who could benefit from a slight lift to the breasts but is not yet a candidate for a breast lift, fitness competitors or professional athletes are some examples of those who may be candidates for this option. There are other factors including lifestyle and activity level to consider when discussing implant placement which are all discussed during your consultation.

How Dr. Brucker Performs a Breast Augmentation

During your consultation, Dr. Brucker will talk with you about what you want to achieve with breast augmentation. Some of his La Jolla and Del Mar patients have a clear idea of how they want to look. Other women have a general goal of increasing the size of their breasts. While you may initially base the changes you would like to see on cup size, Dr. Brucker may recommend that you also focus on shape, movement, and feel, as these are the aspects that add beauty and a natural appearance.

For all of his augmentations consultations, Dr. Brucker offers Vectra 3D imaging.  This is a new technology which allows patients to see how they might look after surgery with various sizes and shapes of implants.

Dr. Brucker agrees that “patients absolutely love this technology because for the first time, it enables them to see a 3D picture of themselves with a new look. Because it is in 3D, the image can be rotated to any viewpoint and patients can really examine the desired result. We can make changes here and there and agree on a final look in advance, and this truly helps them in the decision-making process and helps ensure that there are no surprises after surgery.”

Watch Video: Dr. Brucker discusses the different types of breast implant profiles.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

When you are discharged to a friend or family member after your breast augmentation, Dr. Brucker will provide a detailed list of instructions to follow during your recovery.

You can expect to take pain medication for 1-4 days after your breast augmentation. You should be able to return to your normal daily and social activities within a week and be back to your light exercise routine in 2-3 weeks, with upper body weight lifting, golfing, yoga, and pilates to be resumed within 6 weeks.

Before & After Gallery

*Hover over each image

Payment Options For Breast Augmentation

There are many factors that influence the cost of breast augmentation with Dr. Brucker:

Brucker Plastic Surgery offers a variety of payment options to assist you with your breast augmentation cost.

We can also assist you in applying for financing through a variety of options including Alphaeon™, Patient Fi, and CareCredit®. Our financing plans offer easy terms with 0% or low interest rates to best fit your budget.

Get Beautifully Natural Results. Contact Us Today!

If you do not like the appearance of your breasts—because they are too small for your silhouette, they are asymmetrical, or you are simply looking for a change—Dr. Brucker can help you achieve a natural-looking shape with breast augmentation. Call his office today to book your initial appointment and learn more about this life-changing procedure!